
Proof of X, an exhibition that takes blockchain as a new medium of art will be held in collaboration with NxPC.Lab. Event website👉

The "X" in the event's main visual is also the "variable X" that will grow as creative coders "multiply" together.

If you submit your work to NEORT with the tag #assignX, it will be randomly selected to be used as the main visual on the website. We look forward to your submissions.

How to apply

Create an artwork in the shape of an "X" from 2023/06/12 to 2022/06/25 and submit it to NEORT with the tag #assignX, Please submit your work to NEORT with the tag #assignX. Your work will be randomly selected to be used as the main visual for the website.


  • Theme: Please create a work on the theme of "X". You may express it by crossing lines or in the wrong way.
  • Size: We recommend that you create a canvas size with a full screen.


  • The style should be viewable from both smartphones and PCs, as it will be used as the main visual for the website.
  • Works with a large computational load may not be executable on some devices such as smartphones.
  • Filters are applied to the entire site on the website to ensure uniformity of color tones. Please understand this in advance.


You can check your work on the event website by adding "?id={ID of the work submitted to NEORT}" to the end of the URL of the event website. The work can also be shared on SNS and other social networking sites by sharing the same URL.
The ID of the artwork submitted to NEORT will be displayed in the URL of the artwork page under "/art" like https://neort.io/art/{ID of the artwork submitted to NEORT}? ....


Create artwork with #assignX

Create artwork